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var ejejc_multi=new Array(); var ejejc_multi_pos=0; ejejc_jQuery.fn.highlightFade = function(settings) { var o = (settings && settings.constructor == String) ? {start: settings} : settings || {}; var d = ejejc_jQuery.highlightFade.defaults; var i = o['interval'] || d['interval']; var a = o['attr'] || d['attr']; var ts = { 'linear': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+(c/t)*(e-s)); }, 'sinusoidal': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+Math.sin(((c/t)*90)*(Math.PI/180))*(e-s)); }, 'exponential': function(s,e,t,c) { return parseInt(s+(Math.pow(c/t,2))*(e-s)); } }; var t = (o['iterator'] && o['iterator'].constructor == Function) ? o['iterator'] : ts[o['iterator']] || ts[d['iterator']] || ts['linear']; if (d['iterator'] && d['iterator'].constructor == Function) t = d['iterator']; return this.each(function() { if (!this.highlighting) this.highlighting = {}; var e = (this.highlighting[a]) ? this.highlighting[a].end : ejejc_jQuery.highlightFade.getBaseValue(this,a) || [255,255,255]; var c = ejejc_jQuery.highlightFade.getRGB(o['start'] || o['colour'] || o['color'] || d['start'] || [255,255,128]); 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} // custom function EJEJC_cartify(url) { var ej_ejc_cart_id; var ej_ejc_cart_md5; var ej_ejc_cart_currency; var client_id; var qs = url.replace("?","&"); // don't modify the url as we use it as it is below and replace ? with & will break it try { url = url.replace(/\;/g,"&"); // some ppl use non-js version of code with js view cart. we can handle that but due to myspace non js button urls have ; instead of & } catch (e) { // } qs = url.split('&'); // get client id for(var i=0;i < qs.length;i++) { var c = qs[i]; if (c.substring(0,3)=='cl=') { client_id=c.substring(3); break; } } EJEJC_clnt=client_id; // cookie is set escaped, shld be unescaped when read.. but no point as we then passing them in the URL and we'll need to re escape thm ej_ejc_cart_id=EJEJC_gc('ej_ejc_cart_id'+client_id); ej_ejc_cart_md5=EJEJC_gc('ej_ejc_cart_md5'+client_id); ej_ejc_cart_currency=EJEJC_gc('ej_ejc_cart_currency'+client_id); ej_ejc_to_country=EJEJC_gc('ej_ejc_to_country'+client_id); ej_ejc_zipcode=EJEJC_gc('ej_ejc_zipcode'+client_id); if (ej_ejc_cart_id) { // extend cookie life EJEJC_setCookie('ej_ejc_cart_id'+client_id,ej_ejc_cart_id); EJEJC_setCookie('ej_ejc_cart_md5'+client_id,ej_ejc_cart_md5); EJEJC_setCookie('ej_ejc_cart_currency'+client_id,ej_ejc_cart_currency); EJEJC_setCookie('ej_ejc_to_country'+client_id,ej_ejc_to_country); EJEJC_setCookie('ej_ejc_zipcode'+client_id,decodeURIComponent(ej_ejc_zipcode));//unescape } url = url + '&cart_md5=' + ej_ejc_cart_md5 + '&cart_id=' + ej_ejc_cart_id + '&cart_currency=' + ej_ejc_cart_currency + '&to_country=' + ej_ejc_to_country + '&zipcode=' + ej_ejc_zipcode; return(url); } function EJEJC_implode () { var st1; var st2; var st4; var st5; var i=0; st1=st2=st4=st5=''; while (document.ej_ejc_frm_1['ci_id_array['+i+']']) { st1 = st1 + document.ej_ejc_frm_1['ci_id_array['+i+']'].value; st2 = st2 + document.ej_ejc_frm_1['quantity_array['+i+']'].value.replace(",",""); st5 = st5 + document.ej_ejc_frm_1['cart_item_price_array['+i+']'].value.replace(",","."); if (document.ej_ejc_frm_1['remove_array['+i+']'].checked == false) { st4 = st4 + "0"; } else { st4 = st4 + "1"; } if (document.ej_ejc_frm_1['ci_id_array['+(i+1)+']']) { st1 = st1 + ','; st2 = st2 + ','; st4 = st4 + ','; st5 = st5 + ','; } i++; } return ('&cilist=' + st1 + '&qlist=' + st2 + '&rlist=' + st4 + '&ciplist=' + st5 ); } //checkout function EJEJC_checkout(qs,pp,playarea) { // playarea will include 2 for sandbox and ff for ffc // pp is pmnt processor var site; var auser; var astring; var adata; var abeacon; var h='/'+EJEJC_DOMAIN+'/ecom/'; // what shows up in analytics var fch='/'+EJEJC_DOMAIN+'/ecom/checkout'; // what shows up in analytics - ffc var chk; auser=astring=adata=''; EJEJC_f=new Object(); EJEJC_f.action="https://"+EJEJC_DOMAIN+"/ecom/rp.php"; // BEACON will be set by merchant abeacon=encodeURIComponent(EJEJC_BEACON); // ecom trck. > gc - on by def. if analyt presnt if (pp=='gc') { // loaded GA-GC script .. ecom tracking if (window.getUrchinFieldValue) { if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { // got this from source code - frm setUrchinInputCode function, getUrchinInputCode & urchindata seem to be not in use there .. don't know why there are there try { adata=getUrchinFieldValue(); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga' && window.setUrchinInputCode) { try { setUrchinInputCode(ejGATracker); adata=getUrchinFieldValue(); } catch (e) { // } } } } try { qs+='&ec_url='+encodeURIComponent(top.location.href);//escape //encodeURI } catch (e) { // domain sec. issue in framed site; } if (pp=='cc') { //if (EJEJC_DOMAIN=='wwww.e-junkie.com') { // so no matter what (wther buyer is e-junkie, or a ffcpro sub domains, in case of cc pmnts, we use www.ffcpro.com (HTTPS- for obvious reasons, WWW - so seals show up right, FFCPRO - so buyers don't get freaked out by e-j domain) site='https://www.fatfreecartpro.com'; /*} else { // user already seems to be using oneof ffcpro subdomains, so just enforce SSL site='https://'+EJEJC_DOMAIN; }*/ } else if (pp=='ej') { site='https://'+EJEJC_DOMAIN; } else { site=EJEJC_PROT+EJEJC_DOMAIN; } if (playarea=='ff') { if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(fch); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(fch); } catch (e) { // } } EJEJC_loadContent(site+'/ecom/ffstandard.php?'+qs+'&adata='+adata,'ejejcscript'); } else { // show checkout, if no errors if (EJEJC_chktCheck2()) { EJEJC_ldng(); // conv. trck. if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin' && window.__utmLinkPost) { try { __utmLinkPost(EJEJC_f); astring=encodeURIComponent(EJEJC_f.action.substring(37));//encodeURI does not work here :( //escape auser=_uacct; } catch (e) { //alert(e); } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga' && typeof ejGATracker._linkByPost!="undefined") { try { ejGATracker._linkByPost(EJEJC_f); astring=encodeURIComponent('gajs=true&'+EJEJC_f.action.substring(37));//encodeURI does not work here :( //escape auser=ejGATracker._getAccount(); } catch (e) { //alert(e); } } //alert(astring); //alert(auser); if (pp=='gc') { // generic click tracking chk='GoogleCheckout'; if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if GA.JS tracking FAILS, this could one of the reasons .. maybe GA.JS scans CURRENT pages, finds the gc buttons and freaks our .. as they say that gc buttons should be loaded before .. although, we are passing a virtual url to track page view .. so we should be good try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } EJEJC_goto(site+'/gc'+playarea+'/CheckoutShoppingCart.php?'+qs+'&adata='+adata+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon,EJEJC_CPOP); } else if (pp=='ec' || pp=='ecdg') { chk='PayPalExpressCheckout'; if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } //alert(site+'/ecom/express'+playarea+'.php?'+qs+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon); if (pp=='ecdg' && EJEJC_DG==true) { EJEJC_loadContent(site+'/ecom/express2'+playarea+'.php?'+qs+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon,'ejejcscript'); //<-- only once expressppdg goes live } else { EJEJC_goto(site+'/ecom/express'+playarea+'.php?'+qs+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon,EJEJC_CPOP); } } else if (pp=='cc' || pp=='ej') { if (pp=='cc') chk='CreditCardCheckout'; else chk='GiftCheckout'; if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(h+chk); } catch (e) { // } } var ccurl = site+'/ecom/'+pp+playarea+'.php?'+qs+(EJEJC_INCHK?'&inchk=1':'')+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon; if (EJEJC_INCHK) { // checkout in the box, need to use iframe and not jsod as we need to show security seals EJEJC_ilc(ccurl); } else { EJEJC_goto(ccurl,EJEJC_CPOP); } } else { if (EJEJC_CPOP) { EJEJC_remove(); qs += "&pptarget=_blank"; } if (pp=='tp') { if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(h+'TrialPayCheckout'); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(h+'TrialPayCheckout'); } catch (e) { // } } EJEJC_loadContent(site+'/ecom/tp'+playarea+'.php?'+qs+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon,'ejejcscript'); } else { // pp if (EJEJC_ga=='urchin') { try { urchinTracker(h+'PayPalCheckout'); } catch (e) { // } } else if (EJEJC_ga=='ga') { try { ejGATracker._trackPageview(h+'PayPalCheckout'); } catch (e) { // } } // as this is a form, not checkout page EJEJC_loadContent(site+'/ecom/standard'+playarea+'.php?'+qs+'&auser='+auser+'&astring='+astring+'&abeacon='+abeacon,'ejejcscript'); } } } } } function EJEJC_goto(l,p) { if (p) { EJEJC_remove(); window.open(l); } else { // frames frm diff. domn. try { top.location.href=l; } catch (e) { EJEJC_remove(); window.open(l); } } } // post render function EJEJC_callshown() { if (EJEJC_POSTCALL==true) { if (typeof EJEJC_shown!="undefined") { EJEJC_shown(); } } if (document.getElementById("EJEJC_iframeContent").offsetHeight) { // table smaller than div // 63-logo ht., 4-whtspce blw tabl if ((document.getElementById("ejejctable").offsetHeight+63+4)